Friday, September 7, 2012

Kosher Information Images

Image taken from

This image explains what part of a cow is kosher  or suitable to eat. Only the forequarter of the animal is kosher. The rump, flank, short loin, sirloin, heel are considered treif (non-kosher.





Image taken from

This image illustrates that Jews only consists 44 %  of kosher consumers. The Moslems, dieters, vegans, Seventh-day Adventists, lactose intolerant and many others also prefer these Jewish dietary laws.





Image taken from

This flowchart is gives much details on what is kosher and what is not. It illustrates the complexities of the kosher laws. 



Kosher Register gives a detailed info on the Basics of Kosher

Friday, June 15, 2012

The Kosher Industry

What is Kosher? Is it really only for the Jews? Are there health benefits if we obey  the Jewish laws on what to eat and what not to eat?  Kosher foods  are those that follow or are prepared according to the  laws found in the Jewish Halakhic. Some sample of food that can be eaten are found in Old Testament particularly in Leviticus 11:1-47. The laws are very particular on the way the animals are slaughtered, the utensils, machinery and the ingredients used as well as the mixture of milk and meat.

Indeed there are great health benefits if we try to follow these rules. Non-Jews nowadays realize that kosher is no longer unique to the Jewish people. The foods allowed in Kosher or those with kosher certifications are definitely suited for all people who are concern  with the nutritional value of what we eat. Since kosher does not allow the mixture of dairy and meat, people with lactose intolerance can enjoy heaps of benefits from the certification. Another is we see a great advantage for people who suffer from allergies from eating seafoods because Kosher does not allow us to eat  clams, lobster, shrimp, octopus and squid. The vegetarians whose diet excludes dairy, poultry and meat can guarantee that they can eat  foods with the Kosher Pareve symbol (certifies that food is without any meat, dairy, or poultry derivatives).  Muslims also can rely on food with  kosher certification because they prefer halal  which follows a similar regimen with kosher.

Food sellers and buyers can appreciate a hub where we can find and sell anything kosher - kosher manufacturers, kosher suppliers, kosher exporter, kosher importers, kosher wholesalers, kosher distributors, kosher food, kosher ingredients, kosher chemicals. A great site is - the world’s only official Kosher Registry, and the leading online information source for everything that bears a kosher certificate. Up until now, the kosher  manufacturers have a hard time looking for all the ingredients they need to produce kosher food (that's as many as 40 kosher ingredients per product!)  but now, Kosher Register is like a one-stop shop where they will can find everything they need and locate all the sources of finished products. Kosher has another set of rules for the Passover food like the eating of matzah and avoiding of unleavened bread. Food manufacturers for the special feast can find a  great listing for Passover related products, ingredients, chemicals and pharmaceuticals.